We've all heard the saying "when one door closes, another door opens", but did you realize the rest of Alexander Graham Bell's quote continues as, "but we so often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us".
This is true in so many cases. We get hung up on a mistake or missed opportunity that we don't see our priorities or "free" time has changed to allow for something possibly better and more beneficial for us.
As you may have seen, or will see, I do try to keep a positive outlook on life. This has been crucial for me and my business. Due to the fluctuation of my business, I have to know that everything is going to work out, otherwise I would be stressed out all of the time. Instead, I believe when a situation happens that I wasn't expecting or wanting that it is only occurring because something more substantial is in the works.
Earlier this week, a client who uses me several times a week called to let me know that due to changes in the family's schedule I will not be needed as much. Of course, in having your own business you depend on those consistent clients and when that changes it can throw you for a loop. Instead of stressing out, which was my natural instinct, I knew something else was waiting for me...there are tons of people with too much going on and not enough time so they need me, right?
Well, this proved to be true. Not even two hours later, I received a phone call from a client that uses me from time to time asking for as much time as I can give to a project he is working on. Case in point to Mr. Bell's quote, at least the part where one door closes, and another opens.
To continue proving this to be true, after that phone call, I received a text from another client that has used me periodically from the start of Your Go To Girl and most recently started using me more. His text explained that his company wants to use YGTG to help with an ongoing task.
After receiving the initial text earlier that morning from the client that no longer needed me as much, I said, in almost believable voice, that something better is coming...after saying it several times, I did believe it and then look at how the day unfolded. I kept saying this quote because this was only one day of many that I found this to hold true.
As Juliette Barnes said on the television show, Nashville, one of my guilty pleasures, "sometimes we are so busy trying to keep out the bad that we don't let in the good". That just stuck with me because we do want good things to happen, but we feel that we have to control the bad. That not only consumes a lot of our time, but a lot of our energy which makes it hard to see the good or to let it happen.
The lesson of the week, is to know there are always opportunities waiting for us to accept them. Some times we just need to be more open to seeing them and not getting hung up on what did not happen.
*The cheesy quotes and analogies continue, but hopefully you are getting a lesson or a smile from reading my blog.
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